What Greek vases reveal about the life of people in ancient times
How can one gain an insight into the foreign culture of ancient Greece today? One way to do so, the interpretation of paintings on ancient vases, is presented by Prof. Corinna Reinhardt from the Chair of Classical Archaeology in the ...
Deep learning has enabled reliable image classification and object detection. In our reseach, we focus on the transferability of deep learning techniques to the art domain. However, deep learning technologies are based on deep neural networks consisting of millions of parameters that nee...
Inspired from the pioneer work of Max Imdahl [1], our work focuses on generating image composition canvas (ICC) diagrams based on two central themes: (a) detection of action regions and action lines of an artwork (b) pose-based segmentation of foreground and background.
This work exploits style transfer in combination with transfer learning to recognize characters in art historical images. Our approach focuses on recognizing two central characters in the “Annunciation of the Lord” scene from Art history, Mary and Gabriel across varied art-works from different artists, times and styles.
New research unit "Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Engineering" strengthens AI health node Erlangen
On May 1, 2020, FAU founded its own department for research and teaching of artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of health at its Faculty of Technology under the name Artificial Intelligen...