News about the corona virus and the DH courses
This article is a service post and is updated regularly
The novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and the resulting infectious disease (“Corona virus induced disease”, COVID-19) continue to spread. The FAU has set up a crisis committee. It meets regularly, monitors and evaluates the situation and prepares all relevant decisions at FAU. On this website you will find all the information on the topic of coronavirus that concerns the FAU. It is updated continuously.
General information about the current status at FAU can therefore be found on the central information page:
News in the DH courses
We are currently preparing the courses for the upcoming semester for the BA “Digital Humanities and Social Sciences” and MA “Digital Humanities”. Depending on the decisions of the FAU crisis management team, we will inform you promptly as to when and in what form the teaching will be organized in the summer semester.
FAQ [Update 19.03.2020]
In order to slow down the spread of the corona virus, the FAU libraries were closed for the time being until April 19, 2020. Since students are compulsorily dependent on the use of the libraries for writing their seminar papers and theses, the Faculty of Philosophy and the Faculty of Theology has decided to extend the current deadlines for the submission of seminar papers and theses to PHIL by 5 weeks and to communicate new appropriate deadlines after the re-opening of the libraries.
Further information on the currently changed situation regarding examination matters can be found on the following FAU webpage:
We recommend, however, that you prepare your seminar papers so that you do not completely lose sight of the topic.
Further information: