
Digital Humanities and Social Sciences at the FAU

Digital methods are becoming more established in humanities and social sciences while computer science is increasingly addressing research in cultural heritage and social sciences.

IZdigital combines these trends in an interdisciplinary centre. The Bachelor’s degree programme Digital Humanities and Social Sciences was established as part of IZdigital. A Master’s degree programme that builds on the Bachelor’s degree programme is now also available.

Over ten subjects work together in the Centre and contribute to its degree programmes, representing a very broad definition of digital humanities in terms of language and text, images and media, society and space. Research projects and events are regularly organised on the network’s initiative.



News and events

We were there 1: Yesterday, a fruitful onlineconference #Net Literary Studies(Curator: Thomas Ernst, Universiteit Antwerpen & Universiteit Amsterdam) as part of the vDHd2021 came to an end. The focus was on questions around the change of production, distribution and reception of literary t...

Category: Neues IZdigital-Forschung